Invitation from our Steering Committee
The idea of 100 Women Who Care is a concept that is brilliant in its simplicity…women coming together with a common purpose of helping our local nonprofit organizations who work tirelessly to do what they do so well.
When 100 women donate $100 at the same time, the group accomplishes collectively what few of us can accomplish on our own—making a $100 donation that can enable a charity to complete a project or attain a goal that had been out of reach. That’s real impact. And it takes less than an hour.
No volunteering, no telemarketing, no event planning, no silent auction donations to solicit. It’s simply a great way to give back in our own community. The POWER of 100 women having a local impact.
Our mission is to make a difference in our community by finding at least 100 women to each contribute $100 four times a year ($40,000+ annually as a group) to local charities. All charities and organizations up for consideration must use our contributed funds in the Charleston tri-county area. The idea is to keep it local and have an impact that WE can SEE in our communities!
Please consider joining us. We would love you to become a member.
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead